Friday, May 4, 2012

Recently I have had a flow of ideas come to my mind and have acted upon them. It is interesting how things fall into place when you follow your intuition and step forward to make it happen. I have published some journals designed by me under my Etsy Shop Vibes of Gratitude. The link is to the side. Check them out. They are pretty cool. If you feel inspired by them follow that inspiration and purchase one or two or three.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Haircut

Thanks to the Dressing Your Truth Salon and especially to Nicole for doing a fabulous job in supporting me on my journey to Living my Truth more fully.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More about my new found type 4 fashion

Carol Tuttle has a dressing your truth store and she has every item categorized by type which makes it ever so easy. Anyway each week she gives away an item and this week it happens to be type four earrings. These earrings are perfect for a type four because they are a perfect rectangle and a perfect oval to support it. Not to mention the stone gives off an icy, and still feeling which supports our true nature.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fashion What?

How many women in their lives try to follow the current fashion trend and rules only to be completely dissatisfied? Their dissatisfaction leads to self contempt and low self esteem and eventually they quit caring about fashion and the way they look. I don't know about you but this was me. I tried to follow the latest trends, never fully satisfied with the results. Eventually I got so bogged down by the rules that I got confused. This confusion made shopping painfully stressful and eventually I no longer cared and just wore what ever I had. I never felt good about what I was wearing and this feeling showed through my behavior in how I treated myself and others. I was always critical about myself and my lack of knowledge in makeup and style showed. I didn't understand why it was so hard. We don't have to follow the social fashion trend of the World to look good. Carol Tuttle says so and I am living proof that she is right.
I discovered Dressing Your Truth after reading Remembering Wholeness by Carol Tuttle. After years of going through fashion distress, Carol Tuttle decided to do something about it and created the Dressing Your Truth Program. To find out more about it from Carol herself click on my link to the right.
This program saved me from gross negligence on my part.I learned more than just about fashion. I learned that fashion is there to support my innate nature and to help my true beauty shine through. Its about wearing the right lines, colors and shapes that support your type. When I am living my truth according to my Type 4 nature, people don't see my clothes they see me for the stunning and bold person that I am. Look at the pictures. Here is the proof.

Friday, June 18, 2010


It has been said that in order to live a successful life one must know what makes them uniquely them or in other words, one must know who they are. Hopefully within this reflection, I can learn who I am so that in turn I can help others learn who they are.

I am a woman and this distinction makes me a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt and a granddaughter. I find my role as a woman empowering and self-fulfilling. Being a mother to a daughter creates a special bond that is unbreakable and sustaining to me personally. I enjoy watching her grow and learn as I teach her as best as I can. At times I may feel like I am a failure but that is just a fleeting feeling when I look into her face and see her love for me in her eyes; then I know I am a success. Being a mother has opened my world to a whole new responsibility to life and I embrace it and love it.

I believe that I am here on Earth to learn and grow from life’s many experiences so that one day I may be perfect in my understanding of all things. I believe that God created all things upon this earth for the benefit of mans’ growth, learning, and to sustain life. I love the beauty that the Earth holds and marvel in its ability to soothe the soul. I believe in being honest in dealing with my fellow humans and in having faith in God that my needs will be provided for after doing all that I can do for myself and others.

I love to help others. I have suffered in my own life and have empathy for others who are suffering. I have a huge heart and a huge desire to help heal the World of its many plagues. That is why I want to be a Social Worker. There is no greater reward in life than to help heal, change or influence a life for the better.

I hope that others view me as compassionate, loving, loyal , trustworthy, dependable, self sufficient, eager to do a good job, assertive, easy to communicate with, and empathic. I do realize that I am stubborn and sometimes opinionated which may come across as judgmental but I do try and work towards being fair, sympathetic and forgiving.

Even though my first marriage was a complete failure, I do hope to remarry and expand my family because family is so important to me. This is where I find great joy and happiness in my life. So, I hope to find someone who fits more comfortably with me as a woman with strong morals and faith; a man who is faithful and diligent in living his life according to his belief system. I hope that he will have the capacity to be a wonderful husband to me and a loving father to my daughter. I want someone who will help strengthen me personally and help strengthen our family as we work together. I want to be able to have good communication between the two of us that ends in compromise or agreement. I hope to have a relationship that I can receive from and give to. I hope to be loved by someone who enjoys who I am and wants to celebrate life with me.

This is who I am.

Friday, May 21, 2010

A Whirlwind...

My life since my last blog post has been a whirlwind. I got married, lived through a horrible marriage, experienced pregnancy on my own, while going through a divorce, and now I am a single mother with no attachments but to this little girl who is my saving grace.
As a little girl I always imagined my life would be full of great and wonderful dreams. Now I reflect on the last few years and it is far from great and wonderful. Those dreams didn't happen but died when wrong choices were made; made even with a knowledge that they were wrong.
Daily I have to think how am I going to survive and how am I going to support my little babe? I have no money because I don't have a job. I have no job because I am a full time student. I live at home with my parents, who still treat me as a child and in turn I treat them like children too. I have all these demands pulling me in all directions. Some that don't have to be in existence but are because humans are selfish. I am always sleep deprived. I have no alone time. I get cold sores when I am stressed but I don't want sympathy.
If I have learned anything in the last three years, I have learned that out of the darkness comes light. Even though life didn't go as planned I was blessed with a beautiful daughter who dotes on me. I look at her and see the beauty of life and the hope of goodness and love. I am able to survive because of those parents who still treat me as a child. If it wasn't for the sacrifices they make in mine and my daughters behalf, we would be in a world of hurt. It is because of them that I can go to school full time and can be a stay at home Mom. They are helping me with providing my daughter with a brighter future.
Even though life is hard and demanding, I step forward with the hope of something better crossing my path. Why make life harder by being pessimistic? I much rather look in the face of adversity and say up yours. You won't get the best of me. You will only make me stronger.

Monday, September 10, 2007

First impressions are usually wrong...

I am sure that most people have heard the saying, "First impressions are always right." Most of you are probably nodding your head in agreement but I am hear to ask you to reconsider. Open your mind and see if you can at least see where I am coming from.
I went for a walk last night with a very good friend, who I might add, may look a little worldly. He has many piercings, tattoos, and long hair. I know *gasp*...the typical bad boy. My first impression of him was, oh he looks like he has had a hard life, has no values and definitely no morals. How could I have been so wrong.
This man is the kindest person I have ever met. He has a sincere heart and would go the extra mile to make sure you feel like a Queen. I might even add that he has more respect in one cell than a man who is clean cut, well dressed, and handsome beyond belief.
My point is next time you come across someone who may not meet your expectations. Give them a chance. They may become a kindred spirit.