Monday, September 10, 2007

First impressions are usually wrong...

I am sure that most people have heard the saying, "First impressions are always right." Most of you are probably nodding your head in agreement but I am hear to ask you to reconsider. Open your mind and see if you can at least see where I am coming from.
I went for a walk last night with a very good friend, who I might add, may look a little worldly. He has many piercings, tattoos, and long hair. I know *gasp*...the typical bad boy. My first impression of him was, oh he looks like he has had a hard life, has no values and definitely no morals. How could I have been so wrong.
This man is the kindest person I have ever met. He has a sincere heart and would go the extra mile to make sure you feel like a Queen. I might even add that he has more respect in one cell than a man who is clean cut, well dressed, and handsome beyond belief.
My point is next time you come across someone who may not meet your expectations. Give them a chance. They may become a kindred spirit.

1 comment:

Left-Handed said...

I think that sometimes we talk ourselves out of our first impressions which might be pretty darn accurate. Not always. But sometimes.