Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Haircut

Thanks to the Dressing Your Truth Salon and especially to Nicole for doing a fabulous job in supporting me on my journey to Living my Truth more fully.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More about my new found type 4 fashion

Carol Tuttle has a dressing your truth store and she has every item categorized by type which makes it ever so easy. Anyway each week she gives away an item and this week it happens to be type four earrings. These earrings are perfect for a type four because they are a perfect rectangle and a perfect oval to support it. Not to mention the stone gives off an icy, and still feeling which supports our true nature.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fashion What?

How many women in their lives try to follow the current fashion trend and rules only to be completely dissatisfied? Their dissatisfaction leads to self contempt and low self esteem and eventually they quit caring about fashion and the way they look. I don't know about you but this was me. I tried to follow the latest trends, never fully satisfied with the results. Eventually I got so bogged down by the rules that I got confused. This confusion made shopping painfully stressful and eventually I no longer cared and just wore what ever I had. I never felt good about what I was wearing and this feeling showed through my behavior in how I treated myself and others. I was always critical about myself and my lack of knowledge in makeup and style showed. I didn't understand why it was so hard. We don't have to follow the social fashion trend of the World to look good. Carol Tuttle says so and I am living proof that she is right.
I discovered Dressing Your Truth after reading Remembering Wholeness by Carol Tuttle. After years of going through fashion distress, Carol Tuttle decided to do something about it and created the Dressing Your Truth Program. To find out more about it from Carol herself click on my link to the right.
This program saved me from gross negligence on my part.I learned more than just about fashion. I learned that fashion is there to support my innate nature and to help my true beauty shine through. Its about wearing the right lines, colors and shapes that support your type. When I am living my truth according to my Type 4 nature, people don't see my clothes they see me for the stunning and bold person that I am. Look at the pictures. Here is the proof.