Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A little about me

I am sure you all are wondering why I go by Precious. About 10 years ago while I was still young...a certain friend of mine bestowed this nickname upon me. I don't remember the conversation in detail but I do remember I was giving him a piece of my mind or in other words I was expressing an opinion. After I finished sharing my opinion he promptly turned to face me and put his hands around my throat and in a sarcastic tone said, "You are so Precious." So there you have it. It has stuck and I have been Precious ever since.
This same friend soon left our little town for something bigger and better. My sister Renee and I decided to create a "radio" show dedicated to this friend. We named it, Straight Forward with Precious and Mimi. We would tape record a session full of news about local life, opinions we just had to share and of course music we all loved. Then we promptly would send it to our most loyal listener. I am sure to this day he still thinks I am the most precious person alive. Oh the good times.
But there you have it. Just one little word can describe me perfectly. I have opinions and I am not afraid to share them. I enjoy being straight forward with people and I like that about myself.
So on this blog I hope to share many opinions with you and hope that you will do the same.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Turn over a new leaf

Lately I have realized that in order to win a debate you must have a solid defense. You must know what you are talking about and not just have a skimpy foundation. For example, last semester I tried to lecture my Philosophy teacher on the ramifications of drinking soda. I thought I was smart, until he destroyed every argument that I had on why drinking soda is not healthy. Who would have thought that he was once a Pre Med student? The point is that I was guilty of jumping into something that I thought I knew something about and was schooled back into reality. I decided that I wouldn't let myself get in a situation like that again.
The first step I decided to take was to become an informed voter and not someone who voted for one party, strictly cause my parents voted that way. I enrolled in a U.S. Government and Politic class. I thought this would be a good way to figure out exactly what I agreed with and what I don't agree with. What party do I fit into? Do I fit into a party? These are all things we should all take time to figure out.
I am excited to take this new road to self discovery and awareness. We all should take a proactive stance and better ourselves by engaging in seeking knowledge about a certain topic before we jump in head first. We don't want to end up looking like an ignoramus.